Add This Low-Impact Knee-Strength Workout To Your Routine

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the wall sit hold
(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Knee pain is incredibly frustrating, leaving you sore and potentially out of action for days, weeks or even months. While there’s no surefire way to prevent knee issues from happening at all, you can avoid some conditions by focusing on knee-strengthening exercises—developing the surrounding muscles to support the knee joint. 

Sam Shaw, who is a level 3 personal trainer, level 4 lower-back specialist and founder of Lemon Studios, has put together a selection of low-impact leg-strengthening exercises for Coach. Not only will these help build muscle in your lower body, but they will also help to support your knees, reducing the chance of injuries in your knees and hips.

“When trying to build a strong, balanced physique, I would normally recommend training your lower body twice a week, using a wide array of different movement patterns—for example, vertical movements like a squat or a lunge and then complementing it with lateral movements such as glute walks,” says Shaw. He adds that this encourages growth in your glutes, hamstrings and the muscles around your knees.

Below are 10 exercises to run through, some of which require a resistance band, but all are suitable for home. 

1 Unweighted squat

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating two positions of the unweighted squat

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Reps 15

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your weight over your heels, chest up and back straight, sit your hips back and bend your knees to 90°. Push through your heels to stand, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.

2 Glute bridge

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the glute bridge

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Reps 15

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Tuck your tailbone under, then push through your heels to raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from shoulders to knees. Lower slowly, keeping tension in your glutes.

3 Banded walk forward

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the banded walk forward

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Time 1min

Take a small looped resistance band and place it around your legs just above your ankles. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hinge forward at your hips. Engage your glutes, pushing against the tension of the band. Take eight small steps forward, keeping the band as tight as possible, then take eight steps backward. Continue until the time is up. 

4 Wall sit

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the wall sit hold

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Time 1min

Rest your back against a wall. Walk your feet away from the wall, slidinge your back down, until your knees are bent at 90°. Your feet and knees should be shoulder-width apart. Keep your shoulder blades back and your hands by your sides. Hold this position.

5 Step-up

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating two positions of the step up exercise

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Reps 12 each side

Place your left foot on a bench. Keeping your chest up, push through your left heel to stand on the box and raise your right knee until it’s bent to 90°. Squeeze your glutes, then slowly lower in the same movement pattern. Focus on keeping the glutes activated and your knees in line with your foot. Perform all the reps on one side then switch.

6 Hamstring walk-in

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the hamstring walk in

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Reps 6

Lie on your back with your legs extended and heels on the floor, toes pointing up. Raise your hips and slowly walk your heels toward your glutes, keeping your hips up and using your hamstrings to keep you stable. Slowly walk your feet back out, making sure you are pushing through your heels.

7 Single-leg glute bridge hold

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the single-leg glute bridge

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 6 Time 30sec each leg

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Tuck your tailbone under, extend your right leg, then push through your left heel to raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from shoulders to knees. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side. 

8 Banded walk sideways

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the banded walk sideways

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Time 1min

Take a small looped resistance band and place it around your legs, just above your ankles. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hinge forward at your hips. Engage your glutes, pushing against the tension of the band. Take eight small steps to the side, keeping the band as tight as possible then take eight steps back to the start. Continue until the time is up. 

9 Bulgarian split squat

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating two positions of the Bulgarian split squat

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Reps 12 each side

Stand facing away from a bench that’s at knee height. Place the top of one foot on the bench behind you. Lean forward slightly and keep your weight in your front heel. Lower, bending your front knee to 90°, then push through your front heel, squeezing your glutes, to stand back up. Perform all the reps on one side, then switch sides. 

10 Single-leg bent hamstring drive

PT Sam Shaw demonstrating the single-leg bent-knee hamstring drive

(Image credit: Lemon Studios)

Sets 3 Reps 8 each side 

Lie on your back with a slight bend in your knees, your heels on the floor, toes pointing up. Raise one leg, then push through the other heel until your back is an inch off the floor. Pause, then slowly lower to the floor.

Lucy Gornall

Lucy is an experienced health and fitness journalist, and was formerly health editor for TI Media’s portfolio of women’s titles. Lucy qualified as a level 3 personal trainer with Train Fitness in 2016, and also holds qualifications in pre- and post-natal fitness, as well as in nutrition for exercise.