Ballistic press-up

Ballistic press-up, step 1
(Image credit: Unknown)

 In This Series

RECOMMENDED: How to Master the Press-Up

Target: 20 secs work, 10 secs rest

Sets: 8

Ballistic press-up, step 1


(Image credit: Unknown)
  • Start in a normal press-up position – on your toes and with your hands one-and-a-half times shoulder-width apart.

Ballistic press-up, step 2

Ballistic press-up, step 2

(Image credit: Unknown)
  • Drop down until your chin almost touches the floor.

Ballistic press-up, step 3

Ballistic press-up, step 3

(Image credit: Unknown)
  • Press back up explosively, pulling your hands off the floor as you go.
  • Try to get your hands as close to either side of your chest as possible at the top of the move.
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