Pushed for time?
A pushchair workout for time-strapped dads who want to exercise while getting in a bit of baby bonding

iCandy is a British family business which produces award-winning luxury pushchairs, providing parents with fashionable child transport – and more importantly, making safety, innovation and functionality key priorities. Combine a lack of sleep, no time to yourself and living with someone who doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘schedule’ and your workout routine is likely to be an early casualty of parenthood. The idea of taking your baby or toddler out for a run in the pushchair may have crossed your mind before but, let’s face it, most are designed with sauntering in mind. The Peach All-Terrain pushchair from iCandy neatly solves that problem with a hardy design that allows your newborn or toddler to join in with your workouts. Forget about struggling to manage more than a quick dash to the shops – with the Peach All-Terrain, you’ll be able to tackle the most uneven of ground with ease.
iCandy's fittest features
The large hood on the pushchair shades your baby’s eyes from the sun. And from you, in case you’re looking really exhausted.
Toughness doesn’t come at the expense of convenience. The one-hand folding mechanism is swift and it has one of the smallest folds on the market.
Say goodbye to a bumpy ride with three air-filled tyres that provide terrific terrain versatility
The iCandy workout
While we’re not going to suggest you do overhead presses with your iCandy, this is a more than just a lap of the park with a pushchair. It’s a workout put together by Alastair Davidson, founder of Edinburgh Buggy Bootcamp (edinburghbuggybootcamp.co.uk), specifically for men. Don’t worry about sticking to the pavement either – the iCandy Peach All-Terrain is more than capable of tackling mud and grass.
How to do it
While out with your little one in your iCandy Peach All-Terrain pushchair, stop after three minutes and perform exercise 1. Walk quickly for another three minutes, then perform exercise 2, and so on until you complete all the moves. Try for three rounds of each exercise before you head back home.
Peek-a-boo burpee Sets 1 Reps 15
From standing, drop down and place your hands on the floor outside your feet. Jump your feet back so you’re in the top position of a press-up, then back so your feet are between your hands again. Jump up, and remember to say ‘peek-a-boo’.
Reverse lunge Sets 1 Reps 10 each side
Stand tall and hold the side of your iCandy Peach All-Terrain pushchair. Keeping your core braced, take a big step backwards and lunge down until both knees are bent at 90°. Drive up through your front heel to return to the start position. Repeat with your other leg.
Pushchair squat Sets 1 Reps 10
Hold the pushchair handles. With feet shoulder-width apart, squat down slowly, keeping your chest up and back straight, until your thighs are at least horizontal. Pause at the bottom. Push the pushchair away from you before bringing it in close – repeat this ten times to complete one rep.
High five sit-up Sets 1 Reps 15
Hook your feet on the front wheel of your iCandy pushchair and lie flat on your back. Bend at the waist and hips to sit up and high-five your child. Then return to the start.
Prices from £640, iCandyWorld.com
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