Video: Getting the most out of Sony’s new SmartWear

Sometimes it seems that life is filled with a new gadget here, a new gadget there, but nothing with any real substance that will make you feel like trading in your phone (or perhaps putting it aside for a moment). Well, here comes Sony’s excellent fitness accessories, which don’t necessarily rival the top–sellers out there, but work perfectly with your Xperia Z3 phone and allow you to constantly be updated by notifications, or making calls, to play and listen to music wirelessly, or maintaining a digital fitness diary with notes on the calories you've burned and to how track your every step. It all depends on your preference but the SmartWatch 3 and SmartBand Talk can offer you these choices.

With its nifty Lifelog app, Sony’s SmartWear is full of neat tricks to accompany your daily routine and enhance it where you need it to. Whether you prefer the watch or the band, this video gives you a glimpse into the well-rounded offering these accessories can do for you – and not excluding, your run home from work!

You can pick up the new Xperia Z3+ at Carphone Warehouse now

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