Muscle building foods: burger and chips
Swap your Big Mac for a muscle-building home-made meat feast with Michelin star chef Adam Gray's recipe

The meal: burger and chips
If you only eat burgers from fast-food vendors, you’re missing out. Home-made burgers can be far tastier – not to mention healthier – and they’re surprisingly easy to prepare. Bonus: you can be much more confident they’re made from actual cows.
The swap: potatoes for sweet potatoes
‘Sweet potatoes are lower GI than white potatoes, which means they’re less likely to cause your blood sugar levels to jump,’ says Gray. ‘They also contain more nutrients, including high levels of vitamins A and C, manganese and tryptophan.’
The bonus: more blood flow, less fat storage
Mustard helps to stimulate circulation to soothe your aching muscles, while the wholemeal bun is low GI, ensuring you avoid fat-storing insulin spikes.
Ingredients (serves 2)
3 medium sweet potatoes / ½tsp mild chilli powder / 1tsp paprika / 200ml rapeseed oil / 400g lean, organic minced beef / 1tbsp English mustard / 2 wholemeal burger buns / Natural sea salt and ground white pepper / Toppings: your choice of sliced tomatoes, shredded baby gem lettuce and Swiss cheese
To make
Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6. Put a shallow baking tray in the oven to warm.
Wash the sweet potato and cut into even wedges, leaving the skin on.
Place the potato wedges in a bowl, add the chilli powder and paprika, and mix thoroughly.
Add half the rapeseed oil and mix again.
Place the potato wedges on the warmed baking tray and cook for 20–25 minutes, turning halfway through to ensure they’re crisp on both sides.
Meanwhile, place the beef in a bowl, add the mustard, season to taste and mix thoroughly.
Divide the mixture in half and shape into two 2cm-thick patties.
Warm half the remaining rapeseed oil in a frying pan over a medium heat and fry the patties for six minutes on each side for a medium finish, or eight to ten minutes on each side for a well done finish.
Slice the buns in half, brush with the remaining oil and place under a low grill
for one minute until warmed.
Place a burger in each bun, finish with any or all of the toppings and serve.
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