Train Like A Pro With This Boxing Workout From BXR Gym
This strength and conditioning workout will improve your punching power and your fitness

If you’re looking for a sport to get you fitter, stronger and leaner, there really isn’t a better option than boxing. The demands of lasting 12 three-minute rounds of throwing and taking punches means that boxers have to put in montage-worthy amounts of training– but even if you’re not a committed pugilist you can still steal tips to upgrade your own fitness routine.
To get a taste of the demands of training for the ring, take a class at boxing gym BXR London, or try this savage strength and conditioning workout designed by BXR trainer Olu Adepitan.
“This strength and conditioning session is designed to help an individual increase their punch force and improve their fitness,” says Adepitan.
“The lower-body exercises strengthen the hamstrings, quads and glutes,” says Adepitan, “which are vital muscles for creating forces from the lower body when throwing a punch. The upper-body exercises develop strength in the lats, chest and shoulders, which assist the transfer of force for a punch. It is also important so that they are strong to withstand the high-impact forces received from their opponents.”
Full-Body Boxing Workout
“The warm up is non-negotiable,” says Adepitan. “A poor warm-up or the failure to do one can increase your chances of injury and reduce the quality of the workout itself.
“This warm-up is bespoke to the workout and has three components: to raise your core temperature, increase blood flow to muscles and mobilise your joints.”
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Sets 1 Time 3min
Start with the boxing classic to get the blood flowing. No need to throw in fancy moves like double-unders or criss-crosses unless you really want to.
Lateral squat
Sets 1 Reps 10 each side
The first of four exercises designed to increase your mobility for the workout to come.
“Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart then lower to the right, keeping your left leg straight,” says Adepitan. “Keep the weight on your right heel as you attempt to sit as low as possible while keeping your torso straight and tall. Hold the bottom position for one second, then return to the start and repeat on the other side.”
Stationary Spider-Man
Sets 1 Reps 10 each side
“Get into a press-up position and step forwards with your right foot so it comes up to just outside your right hand,” says Adepitan. “From this position, drop your right elbow to the ground. Reverse the move and switch sides. Hold this dynamic stretch for no more than one second in the elongated position.”
Quadruped T-spine rotation
Sets 1 Reps 10 each side
“Start on all fours with your butt on your heels,” says Adepitan. “Place one hand behind your head and then rotate your body so that your elbow points to the ceiling, then rotate your body back and bring your elbows as close together as you can.”
Sets 1 Reps 10
“Start in a press-up position,” says Adepitan. “Drop your hips to stretch the abdominal area then return to the press-up position. Walk your feet up as close to your hands as possible, raising your hips while keeping your legs straight. From this position, walk forwards with your hands without moving your feet, then finish by dropping the hips down again to stretch your abdominals."
Lateral banded walk
Sets 2 Reps 10 steps each side
Use a blue/medium strength resistance band for this exercise, which will activate your lower body and core muscles.
“Double up a resistance band and step into it so it’s wrapped around your ankles,” says Adepitan. “Keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, sink into a half-deadlift position. Take ten steps to the left, then ten to the right, maintaining the tension in the band.”
Main Workout
The body of the workout consists of two tri-sets followed by the farmer’s walk exercise. You need a fair bit of equipment for the workout, including a barbell, dumbbells, a weight plate and resistance bands (or a cable machine), so make sure you have everything to hand before you begin.
For the two tri-sets do a full round of all three exercises before resting for 60 seconds. Complete three rounds in total.
1A Deadlift
Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 0sec
“Stand facing the bar with your feet hip-width apart,” say Adepitan. “Squat down and grip the bar wherever is comfortable. Your arms should be fully extended, your chest pushed up and your shoulder blades pulled back and together.
“Inhale, contract your abdominal muscles and lift the bar by straightening your legs, raising it in front of your shins. Keep your back straight. When the bar reaches your knees, extend your torso so you end up standing erect with your arms straight down at your sides, exhaling as you complete the movement. Hold this position for two seconds, then return the weight to the floor, making sure you don’t hyperextend or arch your back.”
1B Dumbbell row
Sets 3 Reps 8 each side Rest 0sec
“Begin in a wide squat stance, with your knees over your feet,” says Adepitan. “Lean forward and place one hand on a bench to stabilise your torso and take stress off your lower back. Your back should stay slightly arched and your abdominals should be tight throughout.
“Grasp a dumbbell with your free hand. Inhale, then move first your shoulder blades and then your elbow to bring the dumbbell to your hip. Exhale as you extend the arm back down.”
1C Pallof press
Sets 3 Reps 10 each side Rest 60sec
“Start by attaching a resistance band to a fixed point at chest height,” says Adepitan. “You can also use a cable system set at chest height. Position your body so that it is perpendicular to the band. Step away from the anchor point so that there is tension in the band.
“Clasping the band in both hands, pull your fists in to your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades together. While keeping your abs braced, your lower back flat and your shoulder blades squeezed, slowly extend your arms out in front of your chest.”
Sets 3 Reps 12 each side Rest 0sec
“With a dumbbell in each hand, assume a split squat position, but place the back foot on a bench or similar with the shoelaces down,” says Adepitan. “Take a moderately large step forward with the front foot. Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet.
“Inhale, brace your trunk, and bend your front knee to lower your torso so the knee of your trailing leg descends toward the floor. Your trunk should remain vertical. Drive your lead foot into the floor to push back up.”
2B Half-kneeling alternating dumbbell press
Sets 3 Reps 10 Rest 0sec
“Get down on one knee with your other foot placed in front,” says Adepitan. “Grab two dumbbells in an overhand grip and lift them to your shoulders so your palms are facing forwards. Inhale and press one arm overhead until it is fully extended. Exhale as you lower the dumbbell, then press the other arm overhead.”
2C Woodchop
Sets 3 Reps 10 each side Rest 60sec
“Start in a squat position with a weight plate held outside your left leg,” says Adepitan. “Lift the plate and bring it across your torso and up towards the ceiling over your right shoulder. Rotate your hips while pushing off your left leg to extend your ankle, knee and hip.”
Sets 3 Distance 24m Rest 60sec
“Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell tightly in each hand,” says Adepitan. “Brace your trunk and keep it vertical throughout the exercise. Walk forward 12m, then turn around and walk 12m back.”
See related
- Use This 15-Minute Boxing Workout From Barry McGuigan To Start Getting “Punching Fit”
- Get A Taste Of 12x3 Gym’s Boxing Workouts With This Home Session
- Punching-Bag Workouts for the Gym
- How To Get Fit With Boxing Training
You’re not done yet! There’s still some conditioning work to be done, with six rounds of battle ropes and then mountain climbers to finish off the workout.
Battle rope waves
Sets 6 Time 30sec Rest 30sec
“With your hands shoulder-width apart, hold battle ropes at arm’s length in front of your hips,” says Adepitan. “Keeping your core braced, alternate raising and lowering each arm explosively.”
Sets 6 Time 30sec Rest 30sec
“Start in a press-up position,” says Adepitan. “Keep your abs tense and your body straight. Squeeze your glutes and pull your shoulders away from your ears.
“Bring your right knee in to your chest. As the knee comes to your chest, pull your abs in even tighter to make sure your body doesn’t sag. At the same time as you take your right leg back, pull your left knee in to the chest.”
Nick Harris-Fry is a journalist who has been covering health and fitness since 2015. Nick is an avid runner, covering 70-110km a week, which gives him ample opportunity to test a wide range of running shoes and running gear. He is also the chief tester for fitness trackers and running watches, treadmills and exercise bikes, and workout headphones.